Computer - Active Directory Transition

Note: * are required fields. Thank you.

Requestor Information
First Name:
Last (Family) Name:*
E-mail Address:*
      Note: if you are filling out this form on behalf of someone else, please include your email address in the Optional CC E-mail field.
Optional CC E-mail:
Office Phone:
Office Location:*
Other Phone Number:
Personal Memo :
      Appears in the subject of all email
Anti spam question
How many light-years is one parsec (1 AU):
Computer - Active Directory Transition
Department Machine Belongs Too:*
Name of Computer User:*
Email of Computer User:*
WVU AD name of Computer User:*
Name of Responsible Faculty (Adviser):*
Location of Machine:*
MAC of Machine:*
Service tag of machine (if applicable):
Hard Drive Size:*
Hard Drive Used Space:*
Change OS:* yesno
Dates to be Transitioned:*
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