Agarwal, Gupta and GangaRao, "Numerical Modeling of Fire Resistance
of FRP Composite Fire Wall Panel", ANTEC 2013, Polymers in Building
Construction, May 2013, Boston, MA.
Alkhrdaji, T., N. Galati and A. Nanni, "Assessment of Existing
Structures Using Cyclic Load Testing," Concrete International, Vol.
32, No.4, April 2010, pp. 39-45.
B. Mutnuri, et al, Hota GangaRao, "Natural Fiber Reinforced
Pultruded Composites", ACMAComposites 2010, Feb 2010
Babaeidarabad, S., De Caso, F., and Nanni, A. "URM Walls
Strengthened with Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM)
Composite Subjected to Diagonal Compression," Journal of Composites
for Construction, DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) CC.1943-5614.0000441, Nov.
15, 2013.
Babaeidarabad, S., F.J. De Caso y Basalo, and A. Nanni,
"Out-of-Plane Behavior of URM Walls Strengthened with
Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Composite," ASCE
Journal of
Composites for Construction, Dec. 20, 2013, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC
Babaeidarabad, S., G. Loreto, and A. Nanni, "Flexural Strengthening
of RC Beams with Externally-Bonded
Fabric-Reinforced-Cementitious-Matrix (FRCM)." ASCE Journal of
Composites for Construction, November 2013 (Accepted).
D. Dittenber & Hota GangaRao, "Evaluation of a Life Prediction
Model and Environmental Effects of Fatigue for GFRP Materials",
Structural Engineering Inst Journal (IABSE), 2010 (4) pp 374-384
D.B. Dittenber and Hota GangaRao, "Evaluation of Fatigue Life
Prediction Model for GFRP Composites Materials", ANTEC 2010
David B Dittenber and GangaRao VS Hota, "Fatigue equation
considerations for the American Society of Civil Engineers
pre-standard for load and resistance factor design of pultruded
fiberreinforced\ polymer structures," Journal of Composite
Materials, first published on July 10, 2012, as
Dawood, M. and Rizkalla, S., "Environmental Durability of a CFRP
System for Strengthening Steel Structures," Construction and
Building Materials Journal, Sep. 2010, Vol. 24, Issue 9, pp.
Dawood, M., Guddati, M., and Rizkalla, S., "Effective Splices for A
CFRP Strengthening System for Steel Bridges and Structures,"
Transportation Research Record of the National Academics,
Structures, 2009, Vol. 2131, pp. 125-133.
Dawood, M., Taylor, E., Ballew, W., and Rizkalla, S., "Static and
Fatigue Bending Behavior of Pultruded GFRP Sandwich Panels with
Through-Thickness Fiber Insertions," Composites Part B: Engineering
Journal, Feb. 2010. Vol. 41, Issue 5, pp. 363-374.
De Caso y Basalo, F., F. Matta and A. Nanni, "Novel Test Method for
Ultimate Hoop Strain Characterization in FRP Jackets," ASCE Journal
for Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 12, Dec. 2011, pp.
De Caso y Basalo, F., F. Matta, and A. Nanni "Fiber Reinforced
Cement-Based Composite System for Concrete Confinement,"
Construction and Building Materials, July 2012, Vol. 32, pp. 55-65.
De Luca, A., and A. Nanni, "Single-Parameter Methodology for the
Prediction of the Stress-Strain Behavior of FRP-Confined Reinforced
Concrete Square Columns," ASCE Journal of Composites for
Construction, Vol. 15, No. 3, May/June 2011 pp. 384-392.
De Luca, A., F. Matta, and A. Nanni, "Behavior of Full-Scale GFRP
Reinforced Concrete Columns under Pure Axial Load," ACI Structural
Journal, Vol. 107, No. 5, September-October 2010, pp. 589-596.
De Luca, A., F. Nardone, F. Matta, A. Nanni, G.P. Lignola and A.
Prota, "Structural Evaluation of Full-Scale FRP-Confined Reinforced
Concrete Columns," ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.
15, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2011, pp. 112-123.
De Luca, A., F. Nardone, G.P. Lignola, A. Prota and A. Nanni,
"Wall-Like Reinforced Concrete Columns Externally Confined by means
of Glass FRP Laminates ," Advances in Structural Engineering, April
2013, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 593-603
De Luca, A., H. J., Zadeh and A. Nanni, "Assessment of the
Performance of RC Strips by In-Situ Load Testing," ACI Structural
Journal, Sept.-Oct. 2013, Vol. 110. No. 5, pp. 813-821.
De Luca, A., H. J., Zadeh and A. Nanni, "In-Situ Load Testing of
One-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs as per ACI 437 Standard," ASCE
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,
10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000441 (Jan. 31, 2013).
Ding, L., Seliem, H. M., Rizkalla, S., S., Wu, G., and Wu, Z.,
"Behavior of Concrete Piles Confined with CFRP," ACI Special
Publication, Mar. 2011, No. SP-275, pp. 275-292.
Dittenber and GangaRao. "Use of Natural Composites in
Infrastructure- Critical Review," Applied Sci and Mafg, 2012. 43
(8), 1419-29
El-Hacha, R., Mirmiran, A., Cook, A., and Rizkalla, S.,
"Effectiveness of Surface-Applied Corrosion Inhibitors for Concrete
Bridges," ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Mar. 2011,
Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 271-280.
Ferraro, R, A. Nanni, R.K. Vempati, and F. Matta, "Carbon Neutral
Off-White Rice Husk Ash as a Partial White Cement Replacement," ASCE
Journal of Materials for Civil Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 10, October
2010, pp. 1078-1083.
Ferraro, R. and A. Nanni, "Effect of Off-White Rice Husk Ash on
Strength, Porosity, Conductivity and Corrosion Resistance of White
Concrete," Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 31, Jan. 2012,
pp. 220-225.
Frankl, B., Lucier, G., Hassan, T., and Rizkalla, S., "Behavior of
Insulated Precast, Prestressed Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels
Reinforced with CFRP Grid," PCI Journal, Spring 2011, Vol. 56, No.
2, pp. 88-111.
GangaRao and Blandford, "Critical buckling strength prediction of
pultruded GFRP composite columns," ACCEPTED for publication in
Journal of Composite Materials, 2014 SAGE Publication, JCM-13-0644.
Hassan, T. and Rizkalla, S., "Analysis and Design Guidelines of
Precast/Prestressed Composite Load Bearing Sandwich Wall Panels,"
PCI Journal, Spring 2010. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 147-162.
Hassan, T., Lucier, G., Nelson, L., and Rizkalla, S., "Splice
Strength of Large Diameter, High Strength Steel Reinforcing Bars,"
Construction and Building Materials Journal, Jul. 2011, Vol. 26,
Issue 1, pp. 216-225.
Hassan, T.K., Mantawy, A., Soliman, J., Sherif, A., and Rizkalla,
S., "Bond Characteristics and Shear Behavior of Concrete Beams
Reinforced with High-Strength Steel Reinforcement," Advances in
Structural Engineering Journal, 2012, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 303-318.
Heiser, M., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Bond and Shear
Behavior of Concrete Beams Containing Lightweight Synthetic
Particles," ACI Structural Journal, Nov.-Dec. 2011, Vol. 108 No. 6,
pp. 1-8.
High, C., Seliem, H. M., El-Safty, A., and Rizkalla, S., "Use of
Basalt Fibers for Concrete Structures," Construction and Building
Materials Journal, submitted.
Hosny, A., Seliem, H.M., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Development
Length of Unconfined Conventional and High-Strength Steel
Reinforcing Bars," ACI Structural Journal, Sep.-Oct. 2012, Vol. 109,
No. 5, pp. 655-664.
Jawaheri Zadeh, H. and A. Nanni, "Incorporating Expected Life-Time
into Live Load Factor for RC Structures Using Reliability Analysis,"
Advances in Structural Engineering, May 2013, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp.
Jawaheri Zadeh, H. and A. Nanni, "Reliability Analysis of Concrete
Beams Internally Reinforced with FRP Bars," ACI Structures Journal,
Nov.-Dec. 2013, Vol. 110, No. 6, pp. 1023-1032.
Jawaheri Zadeh, H., and A. Nanni, "Design of RC Columns Using FRP
Reinforcement," ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.
17, No. 3, May/June 2013, pp. 294-304
Jawaheri Zadeh, H., F. Mejia and A. Nanni, "Numerical Approach to
the Live Load Factor for RC Structures as a Function of Life-Time,"
Advances in Structural Engineering, Nov. 2013, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp.
Jawaheri Zadeh, H., F. Mejia and A. Nanni, "Strength Reduction
Factors for Flexural RC Members Strengthened with
Near-Surface-Mounted Bars," ASCE Journal of Composites in
Construction, Sept./Oct. 2013, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 614-625.
Jiang, G., Dawood, M., Peters, K., and Rizkalla, S.,
"Self-Monitoring FRP Strengthening System for Civil Engineering
Structures", Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal,
Online: December 4, 2009. Print: July 2010. Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.
Klein, G., Lucier, G., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Torsion
Simplified: A Failure Plane Model for Design of Spandrel Beams," ACI
Concrete International, submitted.
Lanier, B., Schnerch, D., and Rizkalla, S., "Behavior of Steel
Monopoles Strengthened with High-Modulus CFRP Materials," Journal of
Thin-Walled Structures, Oct. 2009, Vol. 47, Issue 10, pp. 1037-1046.
Liang, R. "Historic Hakka Architecture Could be Key for Future
Sustainable Buildings". SangSaeng, 2013. 36 (1), 10-13
Liang, R., G. Hota, Y. Lei, Y. Li, D. Stanislawski and Y. Jiang.
"Nondestructive evaluation of historic Hakka rammed earth
structures". Sustainability. 2013.5 (1): 298-315.
Liu, H., Zhao, X., Bai, Y., Singh Roman, R., Rizkalla, S.,
Bandyopadhyay, S., "The Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Bond
between High Modulus CFRP Sheet and Steel," Australian Journal of
Structural Engineering, accepted.
Logan, A., Choi, W. Mirmiran, A., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P.,
"Short-Term Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Concrete," ACI
Materials Journal, Sep.-Oct. 2009, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 413-418.
Loreto, G., L. Leardini, D. Arboleda and A. Nanni, "Performance of
RC Slabs Strengthened with Fabric-Reinforced-Cementitious-Matrix
(FRCM) Composite," ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, DOI:
10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000415, July, 10 2013.
Loreto, G., M. Di Benedetti, and A. Nanni, "Durability of Reinforced
Concrete in Marine Environment: a Simplified Model for Service Life
Prediction," 3R's Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2011, pp.
Lucier, G., Rizkalla, S. and Sennour, L., "Structurally Composite,
Thermally Efficient Precast Concrete," Precast Concrete Elements,
Lucier, G., Walter, C., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., and Klein, G.,
"Development of a Rational Design Methodology for Precast Slender
Spandrel Beams: Part 2, Analysis and Design Guidelines," PCI
Journal, Fall 2011, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 106-133.
Lucier, G., Walter, C., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., and Klein, G.,
"Development of a Rational Design Methodology for Precast Slender
Spandrel Beams: Part 1, Experimental Results," PCI Journal, Spring
2011, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 88-111.
Lunn, D. and Rizkalla, S., "Design of FRP-Strengthened Infill
Masonry Walls Subjected to Out-of-Plane Loading," ASCE Journal of
Composites for Construction, accepted.
Lunn, D. and Rizkalla, S., "Strengthening of Infill Masonry Walls
with FRP Materials," ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction,
Mar.-Apr. 2011, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 206-214.
Lunn, D., Maeda, S., Rizkalla, S., and Ueda, T., "Anchorage Systems
for FRP Strengthening of Infill Masonry Structures," International
Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, 2013, Vol.
1, No. 2, pp. 142-160.
Mertol, H.C., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., and Mirmiran, A., "Creep and
Shrinkage Behavior of High-Strength Concrete and Minimum
Reinforcement Ratio for Bridge Columns," PCI Journal, Summer 2010.
Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 138-154.
Mosavi, A., Dickey, D., Seracino, R., and Rizkalla, S., "Identifying
Damage Locations Under Ambient Vibrations Utilizing Vector
Autoregressive Models and Mahalanobis Distances," Mechanical Systems
and Signal Processing Journal, Apr. 2011, Vol. 26, pp. 254-267.
Mosavi, A., Seracino, R., Rizkalla, S., and Sumner, E., "Effect of
Temperature on Daily Model Variability of a Steel Concrete Composite
Bridge," ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Nov.- Dec. 2012, Vol.
17, No. 6, pp. 979-983.
Munikrisha, A., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Behavior of
Concrete Beams Reinforced with AST A1035 Grade 100 Stirrups under
Shear," ACI Structural Journal, Jan.-Feb. 2011. Vol. 108, No. 1, pp.
1 - 8.
Nanni, A. "A New Tool in the Concrete and Masonry Repair," Concrete
International, April 2012, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 43-49.
Napoli, A., F Matta, E. Martinelli, A. Nanni, and R. Realfonzo,
"Modeling and Verification of Response of RC Slabs Strengthened in
Flexure with Mechanically Fastened FRP Laminates," Magazine of
Concrete Research, Special Issue - FRP Strengthening, Vol. 62, No.
8, August 2010, pp. 593-605.
Nardone, F., M. Di Ludovico, F. De Caso y Basalo, A. Prota and A.
Nanni, "Tensile Behavior of Epoxy Based FRP Composites under Extreme
Service Conditions," Composites Part B, April 2012, Vol. 43, pp.
Obregon-Salinas, A.J., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Grancrete as
Adhesive for FRP Flexural Strengthening System for Concrete
Structures," ACI Special Publication, Mar. 2011, No.SP-275, pp.
Qureshi and GangaRao, "Torsional Response of Closed FRP Composite
Sections," Composites: Part B (2014).
Rizkalla, S., Hassan, T., and Lucier, G., "FRP Shear Transfer
Mechanism for Precast, Prestressed Concrete Sandwich Load Bearing
Panels," ACI Special Publication, Oct. 2009, No. SP-265, pp.
Rizkalla, S., Lucier, G., and Dawood, M., "Innovative Use of FRP for
the Precast Industry," Advances in Structural Engineering Journal,
2012, Vo. 15, No. 4, pp. 565-574.
Rizkalla, S., Lunn, D., Lucier, G., Sennour, L., and Gleich, H.,
"Precast Concrete Wall Panels," Concrete Plant International
Journal, accepted.
Rizkalla, S., Lunn, D., Lucier, G., Sennour, L., Gleich, H., and
Carson, J., "Innovative Use of FRP for Sustainable Precast
Structures," Precast Concrete Facade Tectonics Journal, Feb. 2013,
No. 8, pp. 55-63.
Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., Mirmiran, A., Russell, H., and Mast, R.,
"Proposal for Concrete Compressive Strength up to 18 ksi (124 MPa)
for Bridge Design," Transportation Research Record of the National
Academics, Structures, 2009, Vol. 2131, pp. 59-67.
Rosenboom, O., Walter C., and Rizkalla, S., "Strengthening of
Prestressed Concrete Girders with Composites: Installation, Design
and Inspection," Construction and Building Materials Journal, Apr.
2009, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 1495-1507.
Schesser, D., Q.D. Yang, A. Nanni, and J. W. Giancaspro, "Expansive
Grout-Based Gripping Systems for Tensile Testing of Large Diameter
Composite Bars," ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000807, Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 2014, pp.
Schnerch, D. and Rizkalla, S., "Discussion and Closure of Flexural
Strengthening of Steel Bridges with High Modulus CFRP Strips," ASCE
Journal of Bridge Engineering, Jan.-Feb. 2010, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp.
Seliem, H., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., Briggs, M., Miller,
S., Darwin, D., Browning, J., Glass, G., Hoyt, K., Donnelly, K., and
Jirsa, J., "Bond Characteristics of ASTM A1035 Steel Reinforcing
Bars," ACI Structural Journal, Jul.-Aug. 2009, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp.
Soong, W.H., Raghavan, J., and Rizkalla, S., "Fundamental Mechanisms
of Bonding of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement to
Concrete," Construction and Building Materials Journal, Jun. 2011,
Vol. 25, Issue 6, pp. 2813 - 2821.
Storm, T., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Effect of Production
Practices on Camber of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders," PCI
Journal, Spring 2013, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 96-111.
Sumpter, M., Rizkalla, S., and Zia, P., "Behavior of
High-Performance Steel as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams",
ACI Structural Journal, Mar.-Apr. 2009, Vol. 106, No. 2, pp.
Udaya Halabe, S.S. Dutta, Hota GangaRao, "Infrared Thermographic and
Radar Testing of Polymer-Wrapped Composites", Materials Evaluation
Journal, April 2010, P447- 452
Zhao, X., Al-Mahaidi, R., Bai, Y., Rizkalla, S. "Effect of Dynamic
Loading and Environmental Conditions on the Bond between CFRP and
Steel - The State-of-the-Art Review," ASCE Journal of Composites for
Construction, submitted.
Zhao, X.L., Bai, Y., Al-Mahaidi, R., and Rizkalla S., "Effect of
Dynamic Loading and Environmental Conditions on the Bond between
CFRP and Steel: State-of-the-Art Review," ASCE Journal of Composites
for Construction, accepted.
Zhao, X.L., Bai, Y., Al-Mahaidi, R., and Rizkalla, S., "Design of
FRP-Strengthened Infill Masonry Walls Subjected to Out-of-Plane
Loading," ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, accepted.
Zia, P., Rizkalla, S., Mirmiran, A., Russell, H., and Mast R.,
"Discussion on Elastic Modulus, Shrinkage and Creep of High-Strength
Concrete as adopted by AASHTO," PCI Journal, Spring 2010. Vol. 55,
No. 2, pp 11-14.