Pavement Smoothness Research

Taylor Johnson

5th Grade

St. Agnes School

Charleston, WV


What material makes the smoothest road?

Presentation Outline

I. Introduction:

    1. Are asphalt or concrete roads smoother?
    2. This experiment is to determine by simple measurement if hot-mix asphalt or concrete materials make smoother roads.
    3. Topic was chosen after noticing difference between hot-mix asphalt and concrete on Interstate highways.
    4. My hypothesis is that hot-mix asphalt makes smoother roads.

II. Procedures:

    1. Measure smoothness of three 100 linear feet asphalt road samples by measuring amount of liquid displaced from open container being carried over sample in wagon.
    2. Measure smoothness of three 100 linear feet concrete road samples by measuring amount of liquid displaced from open container being carried over sample in wagon.

III. Results:

    1. A lesser amount of liquid was displaced on hot-mix asphalt roads than concrete roads.
    2. A greater amount of liquid was displaced on concrete roads than on hot-mix asphalt roads.

IV. Conclusion:

    1. Asphalt roads are smoothest because of seamless construction and flexibility of binding agents.
    2. Concrete roads are rougher because of seams between slabs and rigidity of binding agents.

Write up

What product makes the smoothest road?

My hypothesis is that asphalt roads are smoother than concrete roads.

My hypothesis that asphalt roads are smoother than concrete roads was correct based on my test.


(This was a class science fair project performed by Taylor Johnson. I have not edited it other than to put it into web format and add some color. Taylor's project was selected for presentation at the Kanawha County Science Fair at the Charleston Civic Center on March 14. Check it out!!!)