
1) Refereed Publications (Full Paper Peer Reviewed):


1. Chen, H. L., Lin, W., Keer, L. M. and  Shah, S. P., "Low Velocity Impact of an Elastic Plate Resting on Sand ", Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Vol. 55, pp.887-894, December 1988.


2. Chen, H. L. and Shah, S. P., " Test of Model Masonry Single Pier under Dynamic Shaking and Quasi-Static Cyclic loading", Masonry: Materials, Design, Construction and Maintenance, ASTM STP 992, pp.145-165, 1988.


3. Chen, H. L., Keer, L. M. and Shah, S. P, "Dynamic Response of a Circular Plate Resting on Sand", Computational Techniques for Impact, Penetration and Perforation of Solids, edited by L. E. Schwer, N. J. Salamon and W. K. Liu, ASME, AMD-Vol.103, pp.55-66, 1989.


4. Chen, H. L., Shah, S. P. and Keer, L. M., "Impact of a Circular Plate Resting on Sand and Dynamic Response of An Underground Structure", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.116, No.1, pp.152-171, January 1990.


5.  Chen, Y. J., Chen, H. L., Dancygier, A. N., Shah, S. P. and Keer, L. M., "Test of Model Reinforced Concrete Circular Plates", ACI Structural Journal, Vol.87, No.6, pp.727-737, Nov-Dec1990.


6. Chen, H. L., Govindaraj, V., GangaRoa, H. and Stephens, J. E., "Dynamic Characterization of Posttensioned Rods in Stressed Timber Systems", Bridge Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation, Edited by Andrzej S. Nowak, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, pp.235-248, 1990.


7. Chen, H. L., Shah, S. P. and Keer, L. M., "Closure - Dynamic Response of Shallow-Buried  Cylindrical Structures", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, pp.1925-1927, August 1991.


8. Chen, H. L. and Cheng, C. T., "Study of Three-Dimensional Crack Tip Location of Mortar by Acoustic Emission", Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Elements and Structures, Edited by F. Ansari and S. Sture, ASCE, pp.25-36, April 1992.


9. Chen, H. L., Cheng, C. T. and Chen, S. E., "Determination of Fracture Parameters (K1c and CTODc) of Mortar and Concrete Beams using Acoustic Emission", Material Evaluation, Journal of ASNT, Vol.50, No.7, pp.888-894, July 1992.


10. Chen, H. L., and He, Y., "An Ultrasonic Method for Stress Measurement of Prestressed Bars", Vibroacoustic Characterization of Materials and Structures, edited by P. K. Raju, NCA-Vol.14, ASME, pp. 121-129, November 1992. 


11. Chen, H. L., Sami, Z. and GangaRao, H., "Acoustic Emission Measurements of FRP Bars, Debonding Behavior and A FRP Reinforced Concrete Beam" Vibroacoustic Characterization of Materials and Structures, edited by P. K. Raju, NCA-Vol.14, ASME, pp.93-100, November 1992.


12. Chen, H. L., Venkatesh, G. and GangaRao, H., "Prediction of Tension in Prestressed Rods of Stressed Timber Systems by Dynamic Characterization", Journal of Structural Engineering,  ASCE, pp.3069-3087, Vol.119, No.10, October 1993.


13. Chen, H. L., Sami, Z. and GangaRao, H., " Identifying Damages in Stressed Aramid FRP Bars Using Acoustic Emission", Dynamic Characterization of Advanced Materials, edited by P. K. Raju and R. F. Gibson, NCA-Vol. 16, AMD-Vol. 172, ASME, pp.171-178, November 1993.


14. Chen, H. L., He, Y. and Superfeski, M., "Acoustic Surface Waveguides for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Structures", Material Evaluation, Journal of ASNT, Vol.52, No.9, pp.1112-1116, September 1994.


15. Chen, H. L., and Chen, S. E., "Simulation of Dynamic Responses of Shallow-buried Plates Subjected to Impact Loading", Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, edt. by H. J. Siriwardane and M.M. Zaman, pp.899-904, Balkema/Rotterdam, May 1994.


16. Chen, H. L., Halabe, U., Bhandarkar, and Sami, Z., "Impulse Radar Reflection Waveforms of Simulated Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks", Material Evaluation, Journal of ASNT, Vol.52, No.12, pp 1382-1388, December 1994.


17. Chen, H. L., Sami, Z. and GangaRao, H., "Pullout Tests of AFRP Reinforced Concrete Using Acoustic Emission Technique", Materials for Noise and Vibration Control, edited by P. K. Raju and R. F. Gibson, NCA-Vol.18, DE-Vol.80, pp.135-142, ASME, November 1994.


18. Sami, Z., Chen, H. L. and GangaRao, H., "Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Stressed Composite Bars", Nondestructive Testing Methods for Civil Infrastructures, edited by Hota GangaRao, ASCE, pp.51-70, 1995.


19. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L., Klinkhachorn, P., Bhandarkar, Chen, S. H., Klink, A., "Conceptual Design of A Monitoring System for Maglev Guideways", Nondestructive Testing Methods for Civil Infrastructures, edited by Hota GangaRao, ASCE, pp.71-81, 1995.


20. Chen, H. L., Spyrakos, C., and Venkatesh, G. "Evaluating Structural Deterioration By Dynamic Response", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.121, No.8, pp.1197-1204, August, 1995.


21. Chen, H. L., GangaRao, H. and McDonald, K. A., "Acoustic Emission Characterization of Red Oak From West Virginia" accepted for publication in the Forest Product Journal, 1995.


22. Chen, H. L. and He, Y., "Analysis of Liquid-core Cylindrical Acoustic Waveguides", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.122, No.1, pp.1-9, January 1996.


23. Chen, H. L. and Chen, S. E., "Dynamic Responses of Shallow-Buried Flexible Trap-doors Subjected to Impact Loading", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.122, No.1, pp.55-60, January 1996.


24. Chen, H. L. and Chen, S. E., "Closure - Dynamic Responses of Shallow-Buried Flexible Plates Subjected to Impact Loading", Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 4, p.534, ASCE, April 1997.


25. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L. Bhandarkar, and Sami, Z., "Detection of Sub-surface Anomalies in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Ground Penetrating Radar", ACI Materials Journal., Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 396-408, American Concrete Institute, September-October 1997.


26. Chen, H. L., He, Y. and GangaRao, H., "Measurement of Prestress Force in the Rods of Stressed Timber Bridges Using Stress Waves" Material Evaluation, Journal of ASNT, Vol. 56, No.8, pp.977-981, August 1998.


27. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Vibration Response", High Temperature Gas Cleaning, Vol.II, pp. 512-522, Institute fur Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1999.


28. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Stiffness Evaluation and Damage Detection of Ceramic Candle Filters", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.126, No.3, pp.308-318, March 2000.


29. Scheff, J. and Chen, H.L., "Bridge Decks Inspection Using Chain Drag and Ground Penetrating Radar", Condition Monitoring of Materials and Structures, edited by Farhad Ansari, ASCE Special Publication ISBN 0-78844-0495-X, pp.164-178, May 2000.


30. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "Study of Two Dimensional Acoustic Surface Waveguides for Reinforced Concrete Slabs" Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.19, No.4, pp.125-136, 2000.


31. Chen, H. L. and He, Y., "Analysis of an Acoustic Surface Waveguide for AE Monitoring of Concrete Beams", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.127, No.1, pp.1-10, January 2001.


32. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Evaluating Structural Properties of New Ceramic Candle Filters Using Dynamic Characterization Method", Material Evaluation, Journal of ASNT, Vol.59, No.1, pp.63- 69, January 2001.


33. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "Measurement of Tensile Forces in A Seven-Wire Prestressing Strand Using Stress Waves", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.127, No.6, pp.599-606, June 2001.


34. Chen, H. L., Schell, T. and Sweet, J., "Field Study of the Early-age Behavior of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements" Concrete: Material Science to Applications; A Tribute to Surendra P. Shah, ACI SP-206 , pp.243-258, April 2002.


35. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "Application of Wigner-Ville Transform to Evaluate Tensile Forces in Seven-Wire Prestressing Strands" Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.128, No.11, pp1206-1214, November 2002.


36. Choi, J. and Chen, H. L., "Design Consideration of GFRP-Reinforced CRCP", Field Applications of FRP Reinforcement: Case Studies, ACI SP-215, pp.139-158, September 2003.


37. Arnold, R. and Chen, H. L., "Acoustic Emission Analysis of FRP Specimens in Tension and Bending", tentatively accepted for ASCE special publication on Sensing and Imaging in Engineering Mechanics, December 2003.


38. Chen, H. L. and Choi, J., "Acoustic Emission Study of Fatigue Cracks in Materials used for AVLB" Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.23, No.4, pp.133-151, December 2004.


39. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters with Various Boundary Conditions" Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.24, No.2, pp.67-81, June, 2005.


40. Chen, H.L. and Guan, X., "Vibration Response in the Filtration System at PSDF", Advanced Gas Cleaning Technology, pp.97-104, Edited by C. Kanaoka, H. Makino and H. Kamiya, Published by Jugei Shobo, Osaka, Japan, October, 2005. 


41. Chen, H. L. and Choi, J., "Fatigue Crack Growth and Remaining Life Estimation of AVLB Components"  Structural  Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal,  Vol.23, No.6, pp.651-674, 2006.


42. Leng, J., Zhao, A., Chen, H. L. and Sweet, J., L"aboratory Test Studies of Concrete Slab Over Drainage Geocomposite", Geosynthetics 2007, Transportation Conference, Washington, D.C., January 18-19, 2007. Refereed Conference Proceeding.


43. Chen, H. L, Choi, J., GangaRao, H., Kopac, P., "Steel versus GFRP Rebars", Public Roads, Vol.72, No.2, pp.2-10, September/October, 2008, Federal Highway Administration, ISSN 0033-3735.


44. Sweet, J. and Chen, H. L., "Evaluation of SCC Mix Designs for Moderately- and Heavily-Reinforced Members using West Virginia Aggregates", Challenge and Barriers to Application SCC-2008 -The Third North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, pp.1-6, ACBM, November 2008, Refereed Conference Proceeding.


45. Chen, H.L., Zhang, B., Alvin, M., "Nondestructive Detection of Delamination in Thermal Barrier Coatings using Ultrasonic Techniques", Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air, pp.1-8, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 8-12, 2009, Refereed Conference Proceeding.


46.  Lin, L. K., Chen, L. H. and Chen, H. L. "Evaluation of Geofoam as a Geotechnical Construction Material", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.160-170, February 2010.


47.  Chen, H. L., Sweet, J. and Baronowski, K., "Testing of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Drilled Shafts in a Rural Bridge Replacement in West Virginia", The 3rd Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), Washington, D.C., May 29-June 2, 2010. Peer-Reviewed Refereed paper, 14 pages.


48. Chen, H. L., Baronowski, K. and Sweet, J., "Exploration of Placement Techniques on the Properties of Self Consolidating Concrete", The 3rd Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), Washington, D.C., May 29-June 2, 2010. Peer-Reviewed Refereed paper, 10 pages.


49. Choi, J. and Chen, H. L., "Comparison of Early-age Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements Using Steel and GFRP Reinforcement", The 3rd Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), Washington, D.C., May 29-June 2, 2010. Peer-Reviewed Refereed paper, 14 pages.


50. Sweet, J. and Chen, H. L., "Self-Consolidating Concrete for Caisson Construction In the Stalnaker Run Bridge Replacement," Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, January 23-27, 2011.  Refereed Conference Proceeding, 12 pages.


51. Chen, H. L. and Choi, J., "Analysis of Shrinkage and Thermal Stresses in Concrete Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Rebars," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 612-627, ASCE, May 2011.


52. Sweet, J. and Chen, H. L., "Implementation of Self-Consolidating Concrete in caisson construction for the Stalnaker Run Bridge," Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 34, pp. 543-553, September 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.02.059.


53. Chen, H. L., Zhang, B., Alvin, M. and Lin, Y., "Ultrasonic Detection of Delamination and Material Characterization of Thermal Barrier Coatings, " Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 21(6), pp. 1184-1194, December, 2012. DOI:10.1007/s11666-012-9811-9.


54. Yikici, A. and Chen, H. L., "Effect of Temperature-Time History on Concrete Strength in Mass Concrete Structures", Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2013.  Refereed Conference Proceeding, Paper 13-4969, 14 pages.


55. Lin, Y. and Chen, H. L., "Temperature Prediction for Mass Concrete Using Finite Element Method", Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2013.  Refereed Conference Proceeding, Paper 13-4904, 14 pages.


56. Chen, H. L., Sweet, J. and Yikici, A., "Implementation of Self-Consolidating Concrete for the Stalnaker Run Bridge in West Virginia", Proceedings of the Fifth North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 12-15, 2013. Peer-Reviewed Refereed Paper, 13 pages.


57. Lin, Y. and Chen, H. L., Discussion of  "Tensile Creep Behavior of Concrete Subject to Constant Restraint at Very Early Ages" by Ya Wei and Will Hansen. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 26, No.10, October 2014.


58. Choi, J. and Chen, H. L., "Design of GFRP Reinforced CRCP and Its Behavior Sensitivity to Material Property Variations", Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 79, pp. 420-432, March 2015.


59. Yikici, A. and Chen, H. L., "Numerical Prediction Model for Temperature Development in Mass Concrete", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2015.  Refereed Conference Proceeding, Paper 15-5698, 16 pages.


60. Yikici, A. and Chen, H. L., "Use of Maturity Method to Estimate Compressive Strength of Mass Concrete", Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 95, pp.802-812, July 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.07.026.


61. Lin, Y. and Chen, H. L., "Thermal Analysis and Adiabatic Calorimetry for Early-age Concrete Members", Journal of Thermal analysis and Calorimetry, Vol.122, No.2, pp. 937-945, November 2015. DOI:10.1007/s10973-015-4843-2.


62. Yikici, A. and Chen, H. L., "Numerical Prediction Model for Temperature Development in Mass Concrete", Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2508, pages 102-110. DOI: 10.3141/2508-13, November 2015.

63. Lin, Y. and Chen, H. L., "Thermal Analysis and Adiabatic Calorimetry for Early-age Concrete Members, Part 2: Evaluation of Thermally Induced Stresses", Journal of Thermal analysis and Calorimetry, Vol.124, No.1, pp. 227-239, April 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-015-5131-x.


64. Yikici, A. and Chen, H. L., "2D Modeling temperature development of mass concrete structures at early age", High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet. pp. 612-620, Hordijk, D., Lukovi, M. (eds), Springer, Cham. Proceedings of the 2017 fib Symposium, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 12-14, 2017.


65. Chen, H. L. and Leon, G. (2019), Direct Determination of Dynamic Elastic Modulus and PoissonÕs Ratio of Rectangular Timoshenko Prisms, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(9), 04019071.


66. Do, T.A., Chen, H. L., Leon, G., Nguyen, T.H. (2019), A combined finite difference and finite element model for temperature and stress predictions of cast-in-place cap beam on precast columns. Construction and Building Materials, 217, 172 - 184.


67. Mardmomen, S., Chen, H. L., Leon, G. (2019), Revised Method for Rapid Determination of On-Site Water-Cement Ratio using Microwave Oven, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(8), 1-10.


68. Leon, G. and Chen, H. L. (2019), Direct Determination of Dynamic Elastic Modulus and PoissonÕs Ratio of Timoshenko Rods, Vibration, 2(1), 157--173.


69. Chen, H. L., Mardmomen, S., Leon, G. (2020), On-site measurement of Heat of Hydration of Delivered Mass Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 269 (2021) 121246, pp.1-11.


70. Leon, G. and Chen, H. L. (2021), Thermal Analysis of Mass Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, CivilEng 2021, 2(1), 254-270.


71. Chen, H. L. and Leon, G. (2021), Prediction of Elastic Constants of Timoshenko Rectangular Beams Using First Two Bending Modes, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 80(6), 657-668, December 2021.


72. Yikici, A., Sezer, H., Chen, H-L. (2022), Modeling Thermal Behavior of Mass Concrete Structures at Early Age. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2022;2676(6):536-548, February 2022.


73. Leon, G. and Chen, H. L. (2022), Estimation of Early-Age Tensile Stresses in Mass Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace SlagJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Volume 34, Issue 5, pp.1-16 (04022069), May 2022.


74. Mardmomen, S. and Chen, H. L. (2023), Prediction of the early age thermal behavior of mass concrete containing SCMs using ANSYS, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 7899 - 7917, May 2023.


75. Mardmomen, S., Chen, H. L., and G. Leon, G. (2023), Discussion of "Measuring the Change in Water-to-Cement Ratio in Fresh and Hardened Concrete", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Volume 35, Issue 7, April 2023.


76. Bas, B. E., Mardmomen, S., Leon, G., and Chen, H. L. (2023), A Relationship for Effective Thermal Conductivity of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (4), 27-44, July 2023. 


77. Mardmomen, S. and Chen, H. L. (2023), Modeling the thermal and mechanical properties of early age concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 401, October 2023,


78. Leon, G. and Chen, H.-L. (2024). Simulation of Rayleigh WaveÕs Acoustoelastic Effect in Concrete, Aluminum and Steel. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, Vol. 91(No. 4), 357-368.


79. Alsulami, N., Chen, H.-L. (2024). Low-carbon cement development: modifying volcanic ash reactivity for Portland cement replacement. Low- carbon Materials and Green Construction, 2(20), 2-19.



2) Papers in Conference Proceedings and Books (Full Paper Critically Reviewed by Editors):


1. Spyrakos, C., Chen, H. L. Stephens, J. and Govindaraj, V., "Evaluating Structural Deterioration Using Dynamic Response Characterization", Intelligent Structures, Edited by K. P. Chong, S. C. Liu and J. C. Li, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., New York, pp.137-154, July 1990.


2. Chen, H. L., Zhou, H. W. and GangaRao, H. V., "Characterization of West Virginia Hardwood Using Acoustic Emission and Vibration method", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Vol. 11B, pp.1877-1884, August 1991.


3. Chen, H. L. and Chen, S. E., "Simulation of Dynamic Responses of Shallow-Buried Circular Slab", Computational Mechanics, Edited by Y. Cheung, J. Lee and A. Leung, Balkema and Rotterdam, pp.821-826, December 1991.


4. Chen, H. L., He, Y., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Stress in Prestressing Rods of Stressed Timber Bridges", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Vol. 13B, pp. 2055-2062, August 1993.


5. Chen, H. L. and Chen, S. E., "Finite Element Study of Dynamic Responses of Shallow-Buried Plates Subjected to Impact Loading", International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong, December 12-14, 1994.


6. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L. Bhandarkar, and Sami, Z., "Defect Detection in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Radar", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Vol.15, pp.1787-1790, Plenum Press, New York, 1996.


7.  He, Y. and Chen, H. L. "Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Acoustic Surface Waveguides ", Building an International Community of Structural Engineers, Edited by S.K. Ghosh and J. Mohammadi, Proceedings of the Structures Congress XIV Conference, ASCE, pp.869-875, Chicago, April 1996.


8. Chen, H. L. and Pei, L., "Detection of Cracks in Concrete Using the Impact Responses", Engineering Mechanics  , Edited by Y.K. Lin and T.C. Su, Proceedings of the 11th Conference, ASCE, pp.620-623, Fort Lauderdale, May 1996.


9. Chen, H. L., Halabe, U., Pei, L. and Allu, M. "An Experimental Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Decks and Pavements Using Ground Penetrating Radar", Building to Last, Edited by Leon Kempner, Jr. and Colin B. Brown, Proceedings of the Structures Congress XV, ASCE, pp.1508-1512, Portland, Oregon, April 1997.


10. Chen, S.E., Petro, S., Chen, H. L., S. Venkatappa and GangaRao, H, "Degradation Diagnosis of Structural Members Using Strain Energy Approach", Building to Last, Edited by Leon Kempner, Jr. and Colin B. Brown, Proceedings of the Structures Congress XV, ASCE, pp.513-517, Portland, Oregon, April 1997.


11. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Structural Vibration", the 13th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Baltimore, June 1999.


12. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "Study of Acoustic Waveguides for Reinforced Concrete Structures", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Vol.19B, pp.1661-1668, American Institute of Physics, 2000.


13. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "An Ultrasonic Method for Measuring Tensile Forces in A Seven-Wire Prestressing Strand", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Vol.21B, pp. 1295-1302, 2002.



14. Chen, H. L. and Choi, J. "Effects of GFRP Reinforcing Rebars on Shrinkage and Thermal Stresses in Concrete", the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia University, NY, pp.1-8, June 2002.


15. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakidis, A., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Stiffness and Stress of Ceramic Candle Filters at Elevated Temperature under Vibrational Environment", the 5th International Symposium on Gas Cleaning at High Temperature, NETL, Morgantown, WV, pp1-13, September 2002.


16. Choi, J. and Chen, H. L., "Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements Using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebars", Publication No. FHWA-HRT-05-081, Federal Highway Administration, USDOT, McLean, VA, pp.1-79, 2005.


17. Alvin, M. A., Alman, D., Covino, B., Tylczak, J., Pettit, F., Meier, G., Yanar, N., Chyu, M., Mazzotta, D., Slaughter, W., Karaivanov, V., Seetharaman, S., Kang, B., Feng, C., Chen, H. and Fu, T., "Materials and Component Development for Advanced Turbine Systems", EPRI 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, The Electric Power Research Institute, FL. October 3-5, 2007.


18. Sweet, J. and Chen, H. L. "Self-Consolidating Concrete For Caisson Construction In The Stalnaker Run Bridge," HPC Bridge Views, Issue 68, pp.3-7, July/August, 2011.


19. Sweet, J. and Chen, H. L.,"On a Run", Concrete Progress, Roads and Bridges Magazine, pp.S15-16, May, 2011.


20. Mardmomen, S., Chen, H.-L., Leon, G., A revised method for rapid determination of on-site water cement ratio using microwave oven, Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 13-17, 2019.  Refereed Conference Proceeding, Paper 19-05924, 10 pages. 



3) Conference Papers and Invited Papers:


1. Shah, S. P., Chen, H. L., and Sun, J. G., " A Hysteretic Model of Moment-Rotation Relationship for Reinforced Concrete Columns", Proceeding of Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Zealand, August 1987.


2. Keer, L. M., Shah, S. P., Lin,  W. and Chen, H. L., " Dynamic  Response  of Embedded Structures ",  AFOSR Soil Mechanics Seminar, M I T, Cambridge, September 1987.


3. Chen, H. L., Shah, S. P. and Keer, L. M., "Small-Scale Model Testing for Dynamically Loaded Buried Structures", Proceeding of the Fourth Symposium on Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Florida, pp.378-383, April 1989.


4. Chen, H. L., Chen, S. E. and S. A. Kiger, "An Experimental Study of Dynamic Soil Arching", 62nd Shock and Vibration Symposium, pp.556-564, October 1991.


5. Chen, H. L., "Introducing Voice Control to Your Computer", Proceeding of WVNET User Conference, pp.35-38, November 1991.


6. Chen, H. L., Sami, Z. and GangaRao, H., "Acoustic Emission Characteristics of FRP Bars and FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams", the Fourth International Symposium on Acoustic Emission From Composite Materials, Seattle, WA, AECM-4, ASNT,pp.147-156, July 1992.


7. Chen, H. L. and Chen, C. L., "Applying Neural Network in AE Signal Processing", the Fourth International Symposium on Acoustic Emission From Composite Materials, Seattle, WA, AECM-4, ASNT, pp.273-281, July 1992.


8. Chen, H. L. and Chen, S. E., "The State-of-the-Art of the Nondestructive Evaluation Methods of Guideway Systems", The 14th Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar, METS-92, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Infrastructure Construction Session, pp.401-435, Dec. 1992.


9. Sami, Z., Chen, H. L. and GangaRao, H., "Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Stressed Composite Bars", Proceeding of the Structures Congress, ASCE, Irvine CA, April, 1993.


10. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L., Klinkhachorn, P., Bhandarkar, Chen, S. H., Klink, A., "Conceptual Design of A Monitoring System for Maglev Guideways", Proceeding of the Structures Congress, ASCE, Irvine CA, April, 1993.


11. Chen, H. L., and He, Y., "Study of Acoustic Waveguides in Reinforced Concrete Structures", The International Conference on NDT of Concrete in the Infrastructure, SEM, Dearborn, MI., June 1993.


12. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L., Bhandarkar, and Sami, Z., "Characterization of Bridge Deck Deterioration Using Ground Penetrating Radar", The International Conference on NDT of Concrete in the Infrastructure, SEM, Dearborn, MI., June 1993,


13. Chen, H. L. "Introduction of Nondestructive Evaluation on Infrastructures", 1993 Chinese American Academic and Professional Convention, Chicago, IL., July 1993.


14. Chen, H. L., He, Y., GangaRao, H. V., and Ross, R. J., "Evaluation of Prestress Forces in Post-Tensioned Rods Using Dynamic Characterization Method", Structural Materials Technology - An NDT Conference, pp.65-69, Atlantic City, February, 1994.


15. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L., Bhandarkar, and Sami, Z., "Radar Signal Processing and Analysis for Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks", The Fifth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Canada , June 1994.


16. Chen, H. L., "Acoustic Emission Monitoring Using Acoustic Surface Waveguides", Paper Summaries of the 1994  ASNT Fall Conference Professional Program, pp.256-258, Atlanta, GA, September 1994.


17. Chen, H. L., "Some Experimental Results of NDT and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Proceedings, Workshop on Rehabilitation and Strengthening Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures, Taiwan, pp.135-142, March 1995.


18. Chen, H. L., He, Y., "Analysis of Acoustic Surface Waveguides for Nondestructive Evaluation of Concrete Structures", Engineering Mechanics, Proceedings of the 10th Conference, ASCE-EMD, Boulder, Colorado, May 1995.


19. Chen, H. L., Parthasarathy, B., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters at Varying Degradation," Proceedings of the First US-Japan Symposium on Advanced in NDT, ASNT, June, 1996.


20. Chen, H. L., He, Y., " Development of Acoustic Waveguides for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Concrete Structures" Proceedings of the First US-Japan Symposium on Advanced in NDT, ASNT, June, 1996.


21. Chen, H. L., Parthasarathy, B., "Nondestructive Degradation Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Vibration Signatures," Proceedings of Advanced Coal-Fired Power Systems'96 Review Meeting, July, 1996.


22. Chen, H. L., Parthasarathy, B., "Evaluating Structural Deterioration of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Dynamic Response", Proceedings of Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September, 1996.


23. Chen, H. L., R. Fultinner, Jr., "Study of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridge Components Using Acoustic Emissions", Structural Materials Technology - An NDT Conference, pp.317-322, San Diego, February, 1996.


24. Halabe, U., Chen, H. L., Allu, M. K., and Pei, L., "Laboratory Radar Evaluation of Concrete Decks and Pavements with and without Asphalt Overlay", Structural Materials Technology - An NDT Conference, pp.317-322, San Diego, February, 1996.


25. Chen, S. E., and Chen, H. L., "Modal Behavior of A Cracked Beam with Consideration of Crack Opening/Closing", McNU'97, The Joint ASME AMD/ASME MD/ASCE EMD/SES Summer Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL., July 1997.


26. Chen, H. L. and Wissawapaisal, K., "Study of Acoustic Surface Waveguides for Concrete Slabs", McNU'97, The Joint ASME AMD/ASME MD/ASCE EMD/SES Summer Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL., July 1997.


27. Chen, H. L., Kiriakids, A. and Peng, S., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Vibration Response", Proceedings of Advanced Coal-Based Power and Environmental System Õ97 Conference, Pittsburgh, July 1997.


28. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakids, A., "Nondestructive Dynamic Characterization of Ceramic Candle Filters", Symposium of High Temperature Particulate Cleanup for Advanced Coal-Based Power System, Birmingham, AL, April 20-23, 1998.


29. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakids, A., "Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramic Candle Filters Using Vibration Response", Proceedings of Advanced Coal-Based Power and Environmental System '98 Conference, Morgantown, WV, July 12-23, 1998.


30. Chen, H. L. and Kiriakids, A., "Vibration Response Testing of Candle Filter Elements", Filter Element Workshop, Power System Development Facility, Alabama, November 4-5, 1998.


31. Chen, H. L., Leng, J. and Zhao, A., "Performance of Concrete Pavements using Geocomposite Drainage Layer", Geosynthetics Research and Development in Progress, GRI-18, Geo-Frontiers 2005 Conference, ASCE, Austin, Texas, January 26, 2005.